MYO是一款类似Leap motion的新型人机交互HCI设备。它被戴在人的前臂,从而可以感知人的肌肉电流,进而识别出人的各种手势动作,比如向左向右挥手。
- 做展示。挥挥手就能换页,或者将Prezi的控制变成它应有的样子。
- 控制手机。比如跑步的时候挥挥手就能切换歌曲,玩1024之类的。
- 智能家居。打个响指就能让电视开机之类的。
- 控制那些会跑的。现在支持了Sphero和Parrot Drone。
整个MYO中间靠近皮肤的部分都布满了各种金属触点,所以戴起来的时候完全不在乎什么角度。充电用的是标准的Micro USB。
跟Leap motion类似,MYO提供两类输入数据:空间数据(Spatial data),手势数据(Gestural data)和唯一一种反馈接口,震动(vibration command)。
空间数据包括两个维度:方向(orientation),三维的加速度向量(acceleration vector)。
手势数据包括几种特定的手势,比如握拳等。iOS sample
当然,MYO提供了基本所有平台的SDK(当然Windows phone除外)。开发起来最方便的还是Mac啦,windows要装一堆驱动啥的。如果只是开发应用的话,基本之用跟Android/iOS的SDK打交道就好啦。如果需要底层数据,MYO也提供C lib API。另外,还有一种用Lua写的。
开发MYO应用的最好方式就是先运行sample程序。iOS的SDK里面包括一个Doc和叫HelloMyo的Sample程序。打开Sample,运行,玩玩就好了。(MYO SDK开发速度很快,所以如果发现Sample程序告知版本太低,则需要连上USB和蓝牙发射器进行一次升级)。
- (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; // Data notifications are received through NSNotificationCenter. // Posted whenever a TLMMyo connects [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(didConnectDevice:) name:TLMHubDidConnectDeviceNotification object:nil]; // Posted whenever a TLMMyo disconnects. [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(didDisconnectDevice:) name:TLMHubDidDisconnectDeviceNotification object:nil];... // Posted when a new pose is available from a TLMMyo. [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(didReceivePoseChange:) name:TLMMyoDidReceivePoseChangedNotification object:nil];}
首先是注册各种事件,包括连接断开连接,这里有个Sync Gesture,指的是一种比较奇怪的动作(不大好描述)。应该是MYO用来给手臂肌肉电流做一个基本的base line吧。
- (void)didReceivePoseChange:(NSNotification *)notification { // Retrieve the pose from the NSNotification's userInfo with the kTLMKeyPose key. TLMPose *pose = notification.userInfo[kTLMKeyPose]; self.currentPose = pose; // Handle the cases of the TLMPoseType enumeration, and change the color of helloLabel based on the pose we receive. switch (pose.type) { case TLMPoseTypeUnknown: case TLMPoseTypeRest: case TLMPoseTypeDoubleTap: // Changes helloLabel's font to Helvetica Neue when the user is in a rest or unknown pose. self.helloLabel.text = @"Hello Myo"; self.helloLabel.font = [UIFont fontWithName:@"Helvetica Neue" size:50]; self.helloLabel.textColor = [UIColor blackColor]; break; case TLMPoseTypeFist: // Changes helloLabel's font to Noteworthy when the user is in a fist pose. self.helloLabel.text = @"Fist"; self.helloLabel.font = [UIFont fontWithName:@"Noteworthy" size:50]; self.helloLabel.textColor = [UIColor greenColor]; break; case TLMPoseTypeWaveIn: // Changes helloLabel's font to Courier New when the user is in a wave in pose. self.helloLabel.text = @"Wave In"; self.helloLabel.font = [UIFont fontWithName:@"Courier New" size:50]; self.helloLabel.textColor = [UIColor greenColor]; break; case TLMPoseTypeWaveOut: // Changes helloLabel's font to Snell Roundhand when the user is in a wave out pose. self.helloLabel.text = @"Wave Out"; self.helloLabel.font = [UIFont fontWithName:@"Snell Roundhand" size:50]; self.helloLabel.textColor = [UIColor greenColor]; break; case TLMPoseTypeFingersSpread: // Changes helloLabel's font to Chalkduster when the user is in a fingers spread pose. self.helloLabel.text = @"Fingers Spread"; self.helloLabel.font = [UIFont fontWithName:@"Chalkduster" size:50]; self.helloLabel.textColor = [UIColor greenColor]; break; } // Unlock the Myo whenever we receive a pose if (pose.type == TLMPoseTypeUnknown || pose.type == TLMPoseTypeRest) { // Causes the Myo to lock after a short period. [pose.myo unlockWithType:TLMUnlockTypeTimed]; } else { // Keeps the Myo unlocked until specified. // This is required to keep Myo unlocked while holding a pose, but if a pose is not being held, use // TLMUnlockTypeTimed to restart the timer. [pose.myo unlockWithType:TLMUnlockTypeHold]; // Indicates that a user action has been performed. [pose.myo indicateUserAction]; }}
TLMPoseTypeFist(握拳) TLMPoseTypeWaveIn(向内挥手,戴在右手就是往左挥手) TLMPoseTypeWaveOut(向外挥手) TLMPoseTypeFingersSpread(按理来说是类似cross finger的意思,但似乎我没咋触发过这个pose)基本就这么点儿代码。明天我们尝试把这个跟其他功能联系起来哈。